Henny Admoni’s paper, titled “Data-Driven Model of Nonverbal Behavior for Socially Assistive Human-Robot Interactions,” was accepted for publication at the 16th ACM...
On Thursday, August 14th, 2014, Dan Leyzberg successfully defended his dissertation “Creating Personalized Robot Tutors That Adapt to The Needs of Individual Students” and...
Several lab members demonstrated their robots to an audience of approximately 900 AI researchers and 1800 cognitive science researchers at this year’s AAAI/CogSci Robotics...
Four papers authored by social robotics lab members were presented at the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society:
“Speech and Gaze...
On July 28, lab members Alex Litoiu, Aditi Ramachandran and Bradley Hayes, presented their work at the 3rd Workshop on Machine Learning for Interactive Systems (MLIS-2014),...
Someone new, someone little! Our Lab Manager and Outreach Coordinator Larissa Hall gave birth to a baby boy! Lloyd was born at 12:26 of June 20, 2014.
The Yale Social Robotics Lab survived their first World Science Festival! Held in the NYU Kimmel Center in New York City, we held fun and informative robotics demos for...