
February 11, 2019
If you are interested in getting hands-on research experience this summer and are currently a high school or non-Yale undergraduate student, you may apply here for our 2019...
December 21, 2018
Professor Scassellati and other leading scientists attempt to answer the question “Can Using Alexa Have Negative Consequences on Children’s Development?” at
December 10, 2018 has featured an article “Yale teaches robots not to mess with people’s stuff” highlighting recently published work exploring methods for allowing robots to...
October 30, 2018
Host Eliza Bozenski from the Anderson Autism Center interviewed Professor Scassellati on his work with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. A link to the interview can be...
October 10, 2018
The Journal of the American Medial Associaiton (JAMA)  news article”In-home Robots Improve Social Skills in Children With Autism” highlights the labs recently published work...
October 1, 2018
Professor Scassellati has been invited to speak at Yale Explores, a lecture series “deigned to bring together the Yale community and offer an interdisciplinary exploration of...
September 11, 2018
On October 21st, professors Brian Scassellati and Justine Cassell from Carnegie Mellon University will host aworkshop entitled “Better Together: An NSF Workshop on Embodied...
