
November 24, 2020
Time Magazine has named the socially-assitive robot tutor ABii one of the 100 best inventions of 2020. Abii is the first product from Van Robotics, a startup founded by...
November 11, 2020
A new study published by Yale’s Social Robotics Lab and interactive Machine group entitiled Prompting Prosocial Human Interventions in Response to Robot Mistreatment...
September 24, 2020
A recent article on Yale Daily News discusses the collaborative effort between researchers from Yale’s own Scazlab, Vanderbilt, Cornell, and the Georgia Institute of...
September 24, 2020
Below, watch Professor Scassellati give a talk on the use of robots as therputic parterns for individuals with ASD at the Autism Science Foundation (ASF)’s annual Day of...
September 11, 2020
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a highly competitive $5 million grant for a project designed to build job skills for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (...
August 24, 2020
The newest episode of SciShow Psych, a popular educational Youtube channel, features recent work headed by Scazlab’s own Sarah Sebo on Human–robot interactions in...
July 16, 2020
The July edition of Science Robotics features and article co-authored by Professors Brian Scasellati and Marynel Vazquez on  the potential of socially assistive robots during...
