Time Magazine has named the socially-assitive robot tutor ABii one of the 100 best inventions of 2020. Abii is the first product from Van Robotics, a startup founded by...
A new study published by Yale’s Social Robotics Lab and interactive Machine group entitiled Prompting Prosocial Human Interventions in Response to Robot Mistreatment...
A recent article on Yale Daily News discusses the collaborative effort between researchers from Yale’s own Scazlab, Vanderbilt, Cornell, and the Georgia Institute of...
Below, watch Professor Scassellati give a talk on the use of robots as therputic parterns for individuals with ASD at the Autism Science Foundation (ASF)’s annual Day of...
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a highly competitive $5 million grant for a project designed to build job skills for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (...
The newest episode of SciShow Psych, a popular educational Youtube channel, features recent work headed by Scazlab’s own Sarah Sebo on Human–robot interactions in...
The July edition of Science Robotics features and article co-authored by Professors Brian Scasellati and Marynel Vazquez on the potential of socially assistive robots during...